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How to initialize git LFS?

Git LFS – Large File System

In order to have a good performance, we don’t put big files in Git repositories. Sometimes, the repository won’t allow us to have files bigger than a certain size.

So in order to have them, we have to enable LFS for them.


git lfs install       # initialize the Git LFS project
git lfs track "*.mp3" # treat all .mp3 files as large files
git lfs track "*.wav" # also treat .wav as large files (and so on)

The last two commands add some lines to a file named .gitattribute. It should now look like this:

*.mp3 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.wav filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text

In order to make it work correctly for all people with the project, we have to add the .gitattribute file to the repository:

git add .gitattribute              # adding the file 
git commit -m "configured git lfs" # commiting, then
git push                           # pushing

File locking

In GitLab, we have file locking ability with Git LFS. To learn more about it, see GitLab’s website
