Moor is a package for simplifying database related code in flutter. It makes use of code generation in order to generate boilerplate code.
It is a persistence library build on top of sqlite. It works for every platform: Android, iOS, web, macOS, Windows and Linux.
With Moor, we can define entity tables easily, in a file called my_database_moor.dart
class User extends Table {
IntColumn get id => integer().autoIncrement()();
TextColumn get pseudo => text().withLength(min: 3, max: 26)();
DateTimeColumn get date => dateTime()();
We have to include the import part 'my_database_moor.g.dart
, and when we have all our entities written up, we will have to send the command line to generate the file my_database_moor.g.dart
```shell script
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
Retrieving information from the tables can be as easy as writing this:
Stream<List<User>> get watchAllUsers => select(users).watch();
Future<List<User>> get allUsers => select(users).get();
So we can either get all the users with a Future (get) once and for all, or as a Stream (watch) so that every modification will trigger a new event in the stream, and we will get notified.
We can use many-to-one and many-to-many relations, make use of joins, query, and even use raw queries by writing SQL code directly.
A good documentation is available at this address.